A Brutal Drive                      Frank Shanley

During our senior year, Barry and I drove up to the Colorado Women’s College to visit our main squeezes for the weekend on Friday night. It started snowing Saturday and we considered heading back early – but only for a few minutes – then we decided it wasn’t going to be that bad. Of course, the snow storm got worse, and knowing there were no excuses, we drove home going about 15 mph the entire way – which was a really brutal drive. We eventually got back around 1800, and as we walked in we saw the CQ. He asked incredulously why we were back, and we just looked at him wondering what he was talking about until he told us the Academy had suspended the normal return time until the next day. So we immediately went back down to the car and drove another brutal drive back up to CWC. 


Bill Van Horn

9491 South Johnson Court 

Littleton, CO 80127


303-948-8435   work

303-596-3615   cell


USAFA Class of '74 - published a book of our experiences for our 40th reunion!



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USAFA '74 Class Reunion Book