July 1974. Getting mail one day at the post office, I notice an AF nurse getting her mail at the other end of the boxes from where I was. I was arriving, she was departing. I retrieved my mail and got on my bike looking for her. She was enroute to the dorms. I caught up, then walked my bike along and tried to start a conversation. The nurse seemed to have been through this approach before, and was rather reluctant to continue. I asked if she played tennis and that it would be a very safe meeting…I would be on one side of the net, and she would be on the other. I emphasized that it would be very safe being separated! This gamut went on for a few times...extending to Bob’s Big Boy lunch. I failed my check ride, not having soloed because of landing techniques in November and received orders to go to Minuteman Missiles in Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota. The nurse finished her Air Force obligation and came to Grand Forks about 1.5 years later. This nurse, Darlene, from the San Joaquin Valley, California, despite the snow and frigid weather…accepted my proposal on February 14. We’ve been together ever since.